Worldwide Partners

As a leading company within geophysical sales and rentals- part of our commitment is providing unbeatable service, value and equipment to our customers. We therefore have a range of companies that we represent and work closely with.


"Geophysical Methodologies.Our Solutions!"

Click on the link below for more information:

 Resistivity/IP   |  Seismic Solutions   |  Borehole   |  Time Domain  |  Electromagnetic  |  Vibration Monitoring  |  Logging


Resistivity/IP surveying is a versatile geophysical method that is suitable for a broad range of applications.ABEM Resistivity/IP solutions come prefigured for common applications ranging from groundwater and mineral exploration to infrastructure site investigations, and are customizable – using high-end multichannel 3D time-lapse monitoring or cost effective VES measurements – to fit most other applications.




abem india terrameter

Seismic Solutions

Seismic solutions are used for a wide range of near-surface geophysical surveys, perhaps the most common application is in infrastructure projects where the mechanical properties of the subsurface is investigated, e.g. investigating depth to bedrock.



ABEM Terraloc Pro

Surface and Borehole Seismics:

Description of seismic methods


Crosshole Equipment

Downhole Equipment

Special Accessories




Devico has more than 25 year experience with directional core drilling (DCD) and borehole surveying. The company has developed a range of top quality instruments including directional core barrel, core orientation equipment, and both magnetic and non-magnetic downhole survey instruments. Using these technologies, our clients reach their targets while reducing drilling costs.


Product Catalogue



TEM or time domain electromagnetic TDEM

The transient electromagnetic (TEM or time domain electromagnetic TDEM) method is extremely effective in determining electrical conductivity of the subsurface at depths from a few meters down to several hundred meters. TEM often has better depth resolution than DC resistivity, particularly for mapping conductive (confining layers) in resistive sections. The TEM technique can efficiently map conductive strata (e.g. aquitards) below a resistive layer.




abemindia TEM

Electromagnetic (EM) 

Instrumentation and software is available in the following product categories:


Product Catalogue

  • Ground Conductivity Meters
  • Metal Detectors
  • Time Domain Systems
  • VLF Systems
  • Borehole Probes


EM38 abemindia

Vibration Monitoring

Ground-borne vibration can be generated by a number of sources, including road and railways, construction activities such as piling, blasting and tunneling. The parameter normally used to assess the ground vibration is the peak particle velocity (ppv) expressed in millimeters per second mm/s).


ABEM Vibroloc


abemindia-vibraloc-slide2 (1)


Geovista develop, manufacture and supply borehole geophysical logging and surveying systems, including borehole loggers, logging winches and sondes for geophysical logging, directional surveys (magnetometer and gyro based), down hole geophone (for VSP) and micro-seismic (for P & S Velocities), down hole imaging and well inspection cameras.


Product Catalogue

  • Sondes
  • Winches
  • Logger

